We might work the numbers, but we speak in common sense. Check back monthly for smart bookkeeping tips, small business strategies, and our two cents on how numbers can add up to your business success.

A New Direction

My company is currently in a revamping mode. Big changes occurred early this current year and now the business/website needs a facelift. The branding will still be the same, I love my branding, however, the look and feel of the website will change. I will be basing the changes on information gleened from a colleague’s website and a book called “New Factory Thinking” by Bill Bishop, The BIG Idea Presenter. He is from Toronto, Canada and his company is Bill Bishop Communications, Inc. Check him out.

I had no idea how I was going to even get started on revamping my business model. It had been the way it is now for almost 9 years……how am I going to revamp this and still provide quality bookkeeping service to my clients? Good question. It had me going in several different directions.
In the meantime I hired a work placement person who was trying to get back into the workforce after an extended illness. I was extremely excited by this as this person was presented as someone who had education and knowledge of bookkeeping. My goal was to have them take over half of my bookkeeping clients so I could concentrate on rebuilding my business. How fabulous!!!!

Unfortunately it was not meant to be. The person may have taken accounting courses way back in 2004-2008 and I assumed they had the practical work experience to go along with these courses……again……unfortunately, I was not correct in my assumption. Not only did they not do the practical work program, of these courses, they only retained a small portion of the actual education. The whole exercise was now becoming a bookkeeping course, that I was teaching, and paying the person a good wage for attempting to learn it. Even though I was recouping 50% of wages only…..I still had to send/pay the payroll taxes and pay WCB…..and holiday pay. So realistically this was not such a great deal……it cost the business more than it actually gained. DARN!!!

Okay, scratch that attempt to add to the business. What to do now. One thing for certain is that I need some assistance if I am going to navigate my business through a revamp. That presents a whole new can of worms…..so to speak. I have been down this road many times before…….it is not a quick and easy solution. It takes almost as much time as compiling a Strategic Plan. It is very time consuming and cumbersome with no guarantees you will acquire the “right fit” at the end of the process. NEXT!!!!!

On July 24, 2017, I received an email from our friendly Sage Sales Rep, Mark, which was an invitation to come to dinner at the Chop Steakhouse and Bar (food is absolutely yummy), in Signature Sandman Hotel, in Richmond at 6:00 pm on July 26, 2017, to meet the new Regional Rep. At first I was not going to attend. It was a week night and traffic would be a nightmare……etc…etc. Finally I decided I would go. It was one of the best decisions I have ever made. The group was small…..mostly reps and high ups for Sage and a few of us SAAN partners (bookkeepers). There was one SAAN partner that arrived later than the rest of us. She (Chenine HUmphrey) came all the way from Langley. At that time of night she would have been with the traffic……..and that is what occurred. After a few minutes we got to chatting……we instantly connected! I was very interested in what she had to say about a new network that she was working on. And the rest is as you say…….history. I am very, very grateful that I met Chenine Humphrey. I am now on the right path to revamping my business/website. All it took was saying “yes” to the invitation.

LOL, my apologies…..I should let you all know the name of the network she created……”The Bookkeeper Connection Network”. I have since become a member and am looking forward to the future of my business!!! and bookkeeping in general! If you want more information on this, suggest you contact Chenine…. www.bookkeeperconnectionnetwork.com, info@bookkeeperconnectionnetwork.com and let her know how you heard about the network.

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